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Bard® PowerPortTM Lawsuits

Trustwell Law is accepting Bard PowerPort cases nationwide on behalf of people who had a PowerPort device and suffered from one or more of these injuries and issues:

  • Blood infections
  • Cardiac punctures
  • Hematomas
  • Hemorrhage
  • Infections (sepsis)
  • Lacerated blood vessels
  • Necrosis (death of body tissue)
  • Organ or tissue perforation
  • Pericardial tamponade (pressure from a buildup of fluid around the heart)
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Thromboembolism (blood clots)

If you or a loved one had a Bard PowerPort implanted, experienced any of these injuries, and are considering filing a Bard PowerPort lawsuit, call us at 800-796-1636 or submit your case details online and someone will contact you shortly. You pay nothing unless your lawsuit is successful and you receive compensation.

At Trustwell Law, our experienced attorneys take a personalized, compassionate approach. We cut through the legalese and partner with our clients. We also have access to the expertise, resources, and manpower to fully investigate each case and fight for and with our clients to get the justice they deserve.

Bard PowerPort

The Bard PowerPort is a group of implantable port devices, inserted below the skin, to connect to a catheter to deliver medicine and fluids to the bloodstream. Port catheters allow simple access to a patient’s veins. They are used for patients who need regular treatments with medications, such as chemotherapy.

The port contains a small reservoir into which medicine is injected. A doctor implants the device under the skin. The catheter rests inside the vein.

Bard PowerPort Issues and Complications

As patients receive medication through the Bard PowerPort, the design causes the injection flow to increase, which creates pressure against the plastic tubing. People filing Bard PowerPort lawsuits claim this design flaw increases the risks of organ damage, infection, and blood clots. The catheter can break, move, or crack under the pressure.

  • Catheter Fracture: If the catheter breaks inside the veins, pieces of the catheter may travel throughout the body and cause internal damage. Surgery may be required to remove pieces of the catheter.
  • Catheter Migration: If part of the catheter moves or becomes dislodged, it may lead to catheter failure or other injuries.
  • Infections: Over time, the catheter may begin to break down, so small cracks form on the device. This can allow bacteria and other pathogens to enter the body.

Allegations against Becton Dickinson, the medical technology company that manufactures and sells the Bard PowerPort, claim it concealed thousands of reports from doctors and patients citing injuries caused by the device. This means the company may have known about the device’s flaws and issues for years before the FDA issued its recall.

Bard PowerPort Attorneys

If you or a loved one suffered any of the injuries listed above after having the Bard PowerPort device implanted or if a loved one died after using the device, contact us to discuss filing a Bard PowerPort lawsuit. The consultation is free.  You pay nothing unless you win your case and receive compensation.



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